Thursday 7 August 2008


I went to the Murrie Kulcha excursion over lunchtime; it was kind of cool but it took a while for the kids to get engaged though. Perhaps this was because the guy presenting it, Lewis Parkes, talked for a long time about his culture, before getting the kids involved. Maybe if he had started off with a song they would have been more interested initially. However when he started talking about his digeridoo, and demonstrating some of the sounds he could make with it, the students became much more interested.

I spent a fair bit f time planning lessons and talking with people today; I had an interesting chat with one of the teachers, Pebbles, about registration and accreditation. It seems like if I want to teach in NSW at a later date I might need to stick around here for while. However, I really need to have a big think about where I want to teach, one of those big meaning of life questions which is important and don’t want to see myself lounging about in a rut in five years time that I clearly saw coming. It’s that balance between having a secure trade/profession to fall back on whilst not losing my freedom. I need to prioritise whether I want to go overseas, save some money, or both. Right now though I need to focus on my prac, in the short term, and finishing my course in the medium.

Anyhoo, last period I had year seven. After the dog’s breakfast I had made of my class yesterday, I really wanted to get them (and me) back on track and focussed. We had a seating plan arranged, which was implemented with minimum fuss, and managed to get through most of the work planned, which made me happy. I had planned excess, as I didn’t want to be left without work for them to do. The students had some difficulty distinguishing between metaphors and similes, and I want to go over that stuff again on Monday. Tomorrow I want to do something a little more light hearted.

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